Protecting the nature


Our group has begun the significant task of checking approximately 250 roller cavities entrusted to us. These cavities are located in the Borsod-Mezőség region, often in quite challenging terrains. The "roller yield" for this year looks promising. According to our experience so far, the birds have started nesting relatively at the same time, mostly waiting until the earlier nesting starlings have fledged their chicks. During this period (1-3, June), we found chicks that were on average 10-15 days old, but we also came across fledged broods and nests with eggs. So far, we’ve encountered a 6-chick brood in two cavities, a phenomenon that has been quite rare in our area. We’ve also spotted long-eared owls and tawny owls alongside the „usual” meadow sparrows and starlings. In our open-top cavities, common kestrels are nesting successfully, and occasionally even red-footed falcons. We don't push for chick ringing, but we do apply ornithological identification rings to broods of the ideal age and condition. The condition of our cavities leaves much to be desired, and many have deteriorated over the years. We hope to have the opportunity to replace them.

The professional "byproducts" of roller ringing are the observations we make during the work. This year, we are pleased to see that the lower-lying areas have filled with water, giving wetland and shorebirds a good chance to breed. Several great crested grebe colonies are active, and we've spotted black-winged stilts, redshank sandpipers, and curlew sandpipers as well. The presence of meadow pipits, common redshanks, and cranes on the area also indicates the improvement of the habitats.  In the heath, we’ve noticed the appearance of short-toed eagles, and we hope that a few pairs of Montagu’s harriers will nest there as well. Our activities in favor of the heath’s blue bird are expected to remain significant for the next 2-3 weeks.


  • For our namesake bird in 2023...

The gem of our grassy heath, the roller’s nests, are now complete, with the chicks typically being about 2 weeks old, so we’ve started checking the nests. The approximately 250 nests entrusted to us are located in the Borsod-Mezőség. We are carrying out our work as part of the MME Bükk local group, with appropriate field equipment and under the supervision of BNPI. Due to over a quarter-century of active conservation work, the population of this highly protected bird has significantly increased. It’s well known among birdwatchers, that the chicks of this beautiful bird are not "potty-trained." Moreover, the defensive reaction of a chick when handled is to "let go" both above and below, which can only be avoided with great experience. So far (4th, July), we've observed several interesting phenomena with our bird, including two rare 6-chick broods, which is unusual for our region. Some of the cavities are being used by owls, and in one case, a long-eared owl is nesting alongside the usual starlings and meadow sparrows. Thanks to significant rainfall this year, there is plenty of food, which the rollers are making good use of. In one case, we were able to document this feeding. An interesting phenomenon was observed in this nest, where, in addition to the parent pair, a six-year-old, ringed, older bird is also "helping" feed the chicks. The "byproducts" of our fieldwork include many interesting observations related to the region's fauna. The waters of the heath are home to much life, somewhat reminiscent of past conditions. Our tasks connected to rollers will keep a significant portion of our energy occupied for weeks, and replacing missing cavities and renovating the deteriorated ones will be a lot of work. We hope that our activities will contribute to the long-term improvement of the country's natural state and the betterment of human attitudes toward nature.
Tamás Szitta



The aim with the botanical survey of the European copper skink habitat is to keep track of change in the structural setting of flora (species composition or structure). The research was carried out at the Pipis hill in Domoszló and at the oak scrub forest of Tarma in Gyöngyössolymos, some of our permanent sampling areas. We managed to examine and analyse in detail plants found both within the sample and the control areas, the species density of reptiles, specifically the density of European copper skinks. It turned out that closing off areas from larger game was advantageous for plant diversity and made the area an adequate habitat for reptiles at the same time. Obviously, the aim is not to completely keep out wild game life from the rocky steppes and grasslands of the Mátra Mountains, the goal is instead to achieve a balanced and ideal condition.  


  • We completed a research at the request of the Bükk National Park Directorate titled “Monitoring the habitat choice of the specially protected European copper skink (zoology, coenology) within two specific 20x20 metre sample areas in the Mátra Mountains. ”The purpose of the research is to examine the following - within 6 different 20x20 metres sample areas completed in January, 2018 and in the related, open control areas without fence - over a longer period of time: 
    • Is there a possible relation between the presence of the European copper skink and their territory use with any specific flora structure (species composition or structure)? 

    • Is it advantageous to keep out larger game with the help of fences in the long run?

    • The two areas will show significant structural differences with time. Will this mean a change in the way the skinks use their territory?

    • Do the open (control) areas serve as adequate habitats for the skinks? 

    • How do the skinks use their territory in the actual condition? (the areas had been closed off for one year) 

  • We won a sum of 4 million Hungarian forints in financial support to complete a film about the protection of springs, marsh areas and related habitats within the area of Bükk National Park, titled “Improvement of habitat and species conservation, presentation of nature conservation and infrastructure improvement” within KEHOP 4.1.0. The film was completed and we handed in the final version on 27 March, 2021.  



  • On behalf of the Bükk National Park Directorate, we carried out the task titled “Census of the White-backed Woodpecker Population in the Felsőtárkány Forestry District’s Forest Planning Area.” During this project, we created a point map of species sightings during the breeding season and focused on locating specific nests, which we successfully achieved in several cases. Based on the knowledge of the delimited territories, we provided recommendations to the BNPI regarding forest use restrictions. The zoological data collected during the survey were processed and added to the BNPI’s biotic database.
  • On behalf of BioAqua Pro Services and Consulting Ltd., we contributed to the botanical tasks of the environmental impact assessment for the high-speed road connection between Debrecen and Békéscsaba and assisted in obtaining the necessary permits related to the project.
  • On behalf of the BNPI, we conducted botanical research in the Eastern Bükk Conservation Area of the Bükk National Park.
  • Under the KEHOP-4.1.0 program, titled “Improvement of Habitat and Species Conservation Status, Development of Nature Conservation Management and Presentation Infrastructure,” we were awarded a 4 million HUF grant to create a film for the project “Protection of Small Wetland Habitats – Springs, Spring Fens, and Related Habitats in the Bükk National Park Directorate Area.” This is a two-year project, and we have started recording its foundational elements.
  • On commission from the Bükk Regional LEADER Association, we produced a film titled “Stone-carved World in the Bükk Basin – A Unique Relationship Between Nature and Humans,” in which I, as the President of the Bükk Local Group of the Hungarian Ornithological Association, also appear. Csaba Sándor played a significant role in the production, being the organizer and production manager of the film



  • The “Graduation 2018” programme was produced by M5 television. In the geography part about lakes they used an excerpt from our short film series, with András Kleszó speaking about water habitats. 

  • The Szalakóta Association made a successful application for the Green source 2017 grant. The working title was: “A survey of 22 kV electric lines in specific areas of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Heves counties (also in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county) causing the death of bird species of European interest (protected and threatened species). ”The detailed report can be downloaded from here: LETÖLTÉS Pályázati azonosító: PTKF /719/2/2017

  • One of our members, Zsuzsa Kalmár, carried out a GIS analysis of grasslands in the Bükk Mountains within the EcoKarst Interreg project at the request of the BNPD. This important work included the survey and comparison of forestry records, land registers, habitat data records and their geoinformatic analysis. The data was made available to our client in digital form. The resulting data serves as a basic document for the maintenance of mountain grasslands and is also a documentation of their actual condition. 

  • At the request of the BNPD we carried out a survey describing rare snail species found in the Kácsi spring. The significance of this work was the specification of the habitat and condition of the endemic river nerite (Theodoxus fluviatilis) population. Future plans on utilisation of the stream and the spring have to be made by taking the presence of these rare species and their ecological needs into consideration - this is going to serve as a basis for any work done by the authorities in the future. 

  • At the request of the Kiskunság National Park Directive, within the project titled “Long-term conservation and improvement of environmental values of public interest and the implementation of strategic research in Hungary with respect to the EU 2020 Biological diversity strategy“ we took part in a sub project titled “Survey of bird species of public interest” where we managed to examine - according to the given protocol - the bird population within 12 different 2,5x2,5 km UTM quadrat areas. According to the protocol we monitored each quadrat at least three times, twice during the day and once during the night. The monitored areas can be found in Borsod and Heves counties and in the Bükk Mountains. The work resulted in compensatory data regarding the region's avifauna, territorial distribution of the species and condition of their population. It is also important reference data for the European Breeding Bird Atlas Program in progress, where the distribution, population and vulnerability of certain species is analysed by country. We also uploaded the results to the MAP programme coordinated by the Monitoring Centre of BirdLife Hungary. The research was carried out by three of our members. 


  • We applied for financial support connected to the Leader project  „Development of Tudomka Villages” within a Hungarian government tender for local municipalities, non-governmental organisations and associations in the Bükk region. Within the programme we were to organise an environmental and cultural festival in Cserépfalu titled “Little America festival”. The tender is currently pending. In the meantime we have signed agreements and cooperate with several local organisations and institutions.  

  • At the request of the BNPD, we undertook a work titled “The registration of the white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) population in the Felsőtárkányi Forestry district”. We made a map of the sightings during breeding season - we were aiming for and partly succeeded in mapping the specific nests. With the knowledge of specific territories we were able to make suggestions to the BNPD regarding certain restrictions in forest use. The zoological research data results were processed for the biotic data basis of the BNPD. 

  • At the request of BioAqua Pro Szolgáltató és Tanácsadó Kft. we undertook the task of a botanical survey for an environmental impact assessment and contributed in obtaining the proper authority permits at the motorway connecting Debrecen and Békéscsaba.

  • At the request of the BNPD, we carried out botanical surveys at the Eastern Bükk Mountains Nature Reserve. 

  • We won a sum of 4 million Hungarian forints in financial support to complete a film about the protection of springs, marsh areas and related habitats within the area of the Bükk National Park, titled “Improvement of  habitat and species conservation, presentation of nature conservation and infrastructure improvement” within KEHOP 4.1.0. This is a two year project and we started laying the groundwork. 

  • We made a film titled “A world carved in stone at the foot of the Bükk Mountains - the unique relationship between nature and humans” ordered by the Bükk region’s LEADER organisation, where I took part as the regional director of the Bükk team of BirdLife Hungary. Csaba Sándor had an important role as the organiser and producer of the film.  


  • In September 2016 a scientific paper was completed about the Hungarian owlet moth  (Dioszeghyana Schmidtii) where the impact of forest management on this specific species was summarised based on available data. The paper was written by one of our members, Tamás Korompai as a result of his field work.
  • Our association completed a paper as part of a BNPD assignment: “Bird monitoring tasks related to forest habitats pilot project in 2016”. The project is a research of the Szent István University financed by the Swiss fund, and its main goal is to coordinate nature conservation with forest management. The basis of the survey was our work of previous years, with the following tasks: (output: research report) visual and/or acoustic monitoring in April/May 2016, once in 3 different sample areas (Gyöngyös, Gyöngyössolymos, Parád), with the re-inspection of previously monitored nests. It was a great joy to take part in this work as it resulted in important findings about the occurrence of rare bird species in differently managed forests. This will most probably be a long-term project, so similar tasks can be expected.

  • We received our next assignment directly from GATE, and it was based on our previous project mentioned above, regarding “Foundation of sustainable nature conservation in Natura 2000 areas in Hungary'' within the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation programme. Together with the Bükk National Park the university organised a two day “tree marking” practise in Garáb, where we presented the results of our work of the past three years, and we also had to take part in field work. The participants of this small conference were researchers and environmentalists who were actively interested in our research and encouraged us to continue. 

  • At the request of the BNPD we gathered faunistic records of protected and significant bird species with special regard to the prevalence of the highly protected white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) in the Felsőtárkányi Forestry in the National Park. We carried out the work on three larger sample areas gathering a significant amount of data for the region’s biotic database. We hope that our results can actively contribute to the sustainability and conservation of these forests. 


  • There was a sensational sighting of a larger flock of vultures in the southern part of Heves county on sept 24, 2015. Vultures are one of our largest predatory birds that once bred in large numbers in Hungary. As the extent of free-range farming decreased and the potential nesting places became redundant or disturbed, while at the same time modern animal health regulations and other “blessings” of civilization were introduced - this group of animals almost completely vanished from the region's fauna. The appearance of even one or two specimens of this bird has been an important event in the past hundred years. Good news is that in the past couple of years sightings of the Eurasian griffon vulture - which is the most common among vultures in the region -  have become more and more frequent. This scavenger bird is easily recognised by its bald neck and has a wing-span of more than 2 meters. It is mostly breeding in certain Southern European countries and is protected everywhere.  

  • According to our contract with the Bükk National Park (BNPD) we completed a final report titled:  “Developing and testing a method for mapping and monitoring the population growth of hamsters”. The results could be very useful in the protection of this little-known animal that is considered a pest in Hungary. We hope to be able to participate in protection centred research regarding this species in the future as well.

  • At the request of the BNPD, we carried out the technical and administrative tasks of the project called  “ Survey of rare bird nesting colonies” within the national park area.  

  • We participated in another major project of the BNPD, where we completed a task in 2015: “Bird monitoring related to forest habitats pilot project”. We surveyed Natura 2000 indicator species in three different forest areas of the Mátra. We hope that our work will contribute to reconsideration of a more sustainable maintenance of forest habitats. 

  • Our organisation also took part in the monitoring of the Hungarian owlet moth (Dioszeghyana schmidtii) at a Natura 2000 area (Slovakian project). 

  • We completed a scientific paper for the Municipality of Pálosvörösmart. Our task was to examine an area within the Natura 2000 network and to give professional advice regarding a different utilisation of the area. 

  • At the request of the Bese Nature Conservation Organisation we organised and documented one of their projects in both Hungary and Transylvania. The topic of the project was sustainable horticulture, fruit cultivation and fruit festivals. 

  • We also completed a couple of educational films for the MAGHÁZ project regarding conservation of traditional varieties of cultivated plants. The members of MAGHÁZ use, maintain and share the plant reproductive material of certain old or regional open-pollinated varieties (field crops, vegetables, decorative plants, herbs and fruits). They also share their knowledge about these plants with each other.



  • We managed to complete two projects this year with BirdLife Hungary, our regular partner. These projects were carried out by members of a local group (consisting partly of our own members) with the administrative and practical support of our organisation. One of the projects dealt with the survey and protection of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) that returned around the millennium.  

  • The “Survey of woodpeckers and flycatchers” project was coordinated by BirdLife Hungary according to the protocol of the Monitoring Centre of the organisation. It was carried out by members of our organisation in the Bükk and Mátra Mountains. These projects have significantly contributed to a more thorough knowledge about the region’s birdlife, serve as the basis for the mandatory EU reports regarding Natura 2000 areas and contribute to nature conservation work in the specific region. 

  • We were asked by the ESSRG and the Bese Nature Conservation Organisation to make a short film about the “Sustainable Délborsod Programme” which you can watch here: 



  • We successfully completed a project within the tender of the local Leader organisation. Our project was to present some interesting and actual topics of nature conservation through 12 short films, e.g. game management, wildlife protection programs, the ecological role of dead trees in the forest ecosystem, etc. The successful implementation of the task was based on the many hours of valuable film material recorded by BirdLife Hungary in the past decades, which was also digitised within the frame of this cooperation. 

  • We also completed an educational material - based on the finished short films - which is being used in the educational projects of the Leader. We are also distributing it in regional educational institutions and online. (The educational material can be ordered by the following email address: or can be downloaded from our website with the download menu point) 

  • The winner of “The bird of the Year” programme this year was Europe's largest flying bird, the Great bustard. 2014 was also the 40 years anniversary of the foundation of BirdLife Hungary. The famous bird of the puszta, the Great bustard was chosen as the symbol of the organisation. The following short film was produced for this occasion with the contribution of the Szalakóta Association with material recorded by Tamás Szitta.




  • Together with our permanent partner, MME, we successfully completed two joint projects, which were carried out by the local group members (partially with our joint participation) with administrative and active involvement from our association. One of the projects focused on the study and protection of the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), which had been reintroduced around the turn of the millennium. For this, we received a 130,000 HUF grant from MME.
  • Our second project involved the MME centrally coordinated “Woodpecker and Flycatcher Survey,” following the protocol of the MME’s Monitoring Center. This task was carried out by our association’s members in the Bükk and Mátra mountain ranges for a total of 390,000 HUF. These amounts were partly allocated to the surveyors (295,000 HUF) and partly to cover the maintenance costs of an off-road vehicle owned by MME. These programs have significantly contributed to a better understanding of the birdlife in our region and serve as a foundation for the mandatory EU reports on Natura 2000 areas and the establishment of nature conservation management.
  • The ESSRG and the Bese Nature Conservation Association invited us to create a summary film about the Sustainable South-Borsod Program, and graphic designer Imola Szitta designed a logo for the project. For this, they paid our Association a total of 88,000 HUF.
  • As a new organization, we missed out on many funding opportunities, but we successfully applied for a grant from the local Leader organization. Our project aimed to create 12 short films covering interesting and current topics in nature conservation – to name just a few: wildlife management, conservation programs for rare species, and the role of dead wood in forest ecosystems. The short films will be a maximum of 6 minutes long and will present the topics in an accessible manner. The successful implementation of this task is facilitated by the hundreds of hours of invaluable video material collected by MME over the past decades, the digitization of which we have begun in collaboration. As part of the winning grant, we will be able to purchase equipment worth 4,915,000 HUF. This will include the construction of an editing studio, an HD camera with the necessary accessories for nature film production, such as lenses. Since the grant is reimbursed after costs, we had to find the required funds upfront. Unfortunately, the banks did not support the Association because we had not yet closed a financial year, and they only offered personal loans with terms that would have been shameful even for a Bangladeshi loan shark: they wanted to charge 370,000 HUF over 3 months, calculated from the net costs (3,700,000 HUF). This amount would have included notary, monthly interest, liquidation fees, and appraisals, among others. In connection with the completed short films, educational materials will be prepared, which will be used in the Leader education projects and distributed in local educational institutions and electronic media as well. The high-value equipment obtained through the grant will provide opportunities for several future projects requiring film documentation, many of which we have already planned. We have already secured support from local TV stations (Eleven TV, Egri Television), which will broadcast our productions. Throughout the work, we will collaborate with the BNPI and MME, with preliminary control by BNPI before our films are aired.
  • Our Association was established on May 16, 2013, with the goal of supporting environmental and nature conservation, local agricultural and cultural traditions, and the cause of creating a "livable environment" in the wider Southern Bükk region. Even before our founding, we reached out to the partners necessary for our work, including fellow associations, foundations, the Bükk National Park Directorate (BNPI), the Bükk Makk Leader organization, educational institutions, local governments, etc. We maintain direct working relationships with the 34th Bükk Local Group of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME) and the Cserépfalu Jövőjéért Association.